Status of the SD-Network, including SD-1 and SD-6.

Sunday, March 28, 2004

Please note, if the SQL error you receive says "Too many connections" - it is a temporary error and does not need to be reported. It will resolve itself within a few minutes and just means that the boards were too busy. Unfortunately, I expect we'll probably get a few of these later tonight after the new episode, but until we can raise more funds for a better server, there is little we can do.

Friday, March 26, 2004

All sites functioning as normal. is currently offline.

A reseller misconfigured his ssl cert on the server because of which apache went down. Techs are already working on the issue.

Wednesday, March 24, 2004 is back and functioning. I guess we'll just have to ride out the highs and the lows...

Unfortunately, after surviving the whole night last night and this morning, we have once again run into the SQL error of too many connections. I have submitted yet another trouble ticket with my host as it appears to be a recurring problem and not an isolated incident. Again, my apologies. It's always best to try and get on during a slower period of the day, but hopefully we'll have everything resolved soon.

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

The boards are back online. We are pretty much in a testing phase hoping they won't get bogged down by too many people. Again, thanks everyone for their patience. All posts from the 19th through the 22nd were lost - as were any new user registrations.

I will most likely reopen the boards at 10:30pm Pacific time to see if they can handle the load. If they cannot, I will escalate my support request and make sure something gets done by tomorrow morning at which point I will try and open them again.

I am going to turn the boards offline when/if they come back online so some server technicians can work on it. But really...I just can't handle the stress this is causing...hopefully they will be back online soon. Just bear with me.

The too many connections error has returned and I have once again alerted the server technicians. I'm not sure what is wrong.

Well, I'm just going to leave it open, but please do not e-mail me with problems. I am going to let the technicians work on it and hopefully they can come up with an answer.

So the forums decided to come back online, but they're not moving anywhere. I have submitted a trouble ticket as this seems like a server-level problem that I really have no control over. I am going to see if there is something that can be done, but for now, I may have to close the boards again until it all gets sorted out.

So I guess we were online from about 5 o'clock on - thanks to Aliasfix, but then the boards decided there were too many people online and decided to crash on us - which is a rare occurrence. I have submitted a trouble ticket and hopefully this will be resolved soon.

It appears as if the database has been restored, but I do not know if it has been put back online as there are too many connections right now to the SQL database (if the error code you get is "Too many connections" - that is a temporary error and need not be reported).

The SQL errors are gone now and I can log in to a few places, but I don't want to start messing with the forums right now since they are still being imported. Like I said though, I need to take off and won't be back for a while. In that time, the boards should become operational and if Aliasfix has the time, she will put them online. If not, it will be a couple more hours until we are back online. Again, thanks for all your patience. AF, read the fine print below :)

The server techs are still working on importing the database, however, I need to leave for about 3 hours. Aliasfix is still monitoring the situation and may open up the boards before I get back.

AF: Just make sure you can post in the offline boards once they have responded to the ticket. If you are unable to post, please re-open the ticket and post any error you may encounter. If all else, fails, give me a call.

Please ignore the SQL error - do not e-mail me - we are working on fixing stuff.

I finally got a response to the initial support ticket I submitted and they are supposedly working on it, though they asked me a question and since my response, I haven't heard anything back. I guess we'll just see what happens.

So...I got a response to the support ticket to which I replied, but then they have ignored my reply. I have therefore closed that ticket and opened yet another one hoping something will be done soon...

Surprisingly enough, I finally got a response to my support ticket since I classified it as another type of problem, so it must have gone to another department who actually care about customer service. He is now going to look into restoring the database or gettings someone who can to do it.

I have submitted yet another trouble ticket with my host, but apparently, they're just not responding to anything right now. I'm doing the best I can, but I can't do anything else since I don't have SSH access to my server. I also have to leave soon, but Aliasfix does know how to open the boards should the database get imported while I am away.

The escalated ticket has not been responded to after almost 2 hours. It is completely unacceptable and I have submitted another support request which I hope they will respond to more quickly. Again, my apologies.

Well, after 15 minutes, nothing has been done about my escalated request - maybe they're still all out to lunch. But either way, I have to hit the road as I am in the process of moving. I will be back online in about 2 hours and I will then re-check to see if the boards are open.

I have escalated my support request and hopefully I'll get an answer back quite soon regarding the restore of the database...

Still waiting...please bear with me. I sincerely apologize for the outage. This really couldn't have been prevented no matter what I had done. Thank you all for your continued patience.

(to those who IMed me last night when the boards were down, sorry I didn't respond earlier, my speakers are unplugged as I am in the process of moving and I didn't hear them pop up while I was playing Civilization III: Conquests :)

Well, I just got up and the database backup has been transferred, so we just have to wait for my host to restore the database and then I can open up the boards again.

Monday, March 22, 2004

Still uploading the database as a backup plan and there's just over 9 hours to go. No word back from my host on the restore of the database (it's kind of hard at this late hour to get things going quickly). But I am still working on it and one way or another, we'll be back up and running tomorrow. Please read the post 2 down for the full story.

The host has finally answered my support ticket and we may be back up sooner than previously thought and we may have a more recent backup than the 19th. Stay tuned...and please read the post below for the full story.

8:35pm Update: Sometimes, even though everything seems to be going well, life throws you a curve. Apparently, there was a problem with the "posts" table in our database - this is the main table that holds all of the post information. I tried running a "repair" command on the table and because it is so large, the server ran out of space while trying to repair it. Which means...the posts table was completely hosed. However, I do have a backup from the 19th - so we will lose some posts, but not too many. Everything else should be saved - private messages, etc.

I sincerely apologize, but when you're working with a forum of this size, you're bound to encounter problems. Hopefully this is an isolated incident and once we get the posts restored, it will not occur again. To restore the posts table, I have to upload the database which is over 1.6 gigs in size and will take about 11 hours. After that, it will take some time to import the table again and fix the mix-up we ran into today. So...long story short, come back tomorrow :)

Unfortunately, it appears as if the command to fix the table didn't work as it should have. I am attempting to contact my hosting provider to get a fix to this problem worked out. Hopefully we'll be back online soon.

We are still working to fix the problems and we have had to take the boards offline momentarily. More info is forthcoming.

We are working on fixing the problem at Apparently new posts cannot be entered - however, you can still browse the boards.

Sunday, March 07, 2004

With 500+ users online, the server is moving slower than we would like. Please bear with us as we try and speed up Hopefully we can get something worked out with the webhost to get things moving faster.